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Spanish-English translation for: washing up
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Dictionary Spanish English: washing up

Translation 1 - 50 of 253  >>

NOUN   (the) washing-up | -
Keywords contained
lavavajillas {m} [detergente]washing-up liquid
fregado {m} de la vajillawashing-up (of kitchenware)
Partial Matches
colada {f} [de ropa]washing
lavadora {f}washing machine
detergente {m} en polvowashing powder
tender la ropa lavada en el tendederoto hang the washing on the line [Br.]
[para] arriba {adv}up
lleno {adj}full (up)
¡Arriba!Get up!
amontonado {adj} {past-p}heaped (up)
¡Date prisa!Hurry up!
emparejado {adj} {past-p}paired up
atado {adj} {past-p}tied (up)
separarseto break up
alegrarseto cheer up
meteo. despejarto clear up
acurrucarseto curl up
resecarseto dry up
Unverified alzarse [ponerse en pie]to get up
levantarseto get up
criarseto grow (up)
apresurarseto hurry up
empañarse [cubrirse de vaho]to mist up
amontonarseto pile up
drogas chutarse [col.] [esp.]to shoot up
acelerarseto speed up
Unverified alzarse [levantarse]to stand up
erguirse [levantarse]to stand up
levantarseto stand up
pararse [am.]to stand up
ponerse en pieto stand up
Unverified cutear [vomitar] [cent.] [Honduras]to throw up
tropezarseto trip (up)
despertarseto wake up
comprobación {f}check-up
med. odont. revisión {f}check-up
dep. dominada {f}chin-up
saneamiento {m}clean-up
encubrimiento {m}cover up
calentamiento {m}heating (up)
dep. alineación {f}line-up
dep. dominada {f}pull-up
configuración {f}set-up
dep. abdominal {m}sit-up
recapitulación {f}summing-up
amanecer {m}sun up
mús. afinado {m}tune-up
¡Arriba el ánimo! [locución]Cheer up! [idiom]
¡Levanta el ánimo! [locución]Cheer up! [idiom]
enroscado {adj} {past-p} [acurrucado]curled up [postpos.]
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