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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: to feel like doing something
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to feel like doing something in other languages:

English - Spanish

Dictionary Spanish English: to feel like doing something

Translation 1 - 50 of 146  >>

Unverified tener txirrinta {f} de algo [tener ganas de algo] [esp.] [Pamplona] [Navarra]to feel like doing something
Partial Matches
tener ganas de hacer algoto feel like doing sth.
no estar por la labor de hacer algo [col.]to not feel like doing sth.
así por el estilo {adj} [locución]something like that [idiom]
apetecer (algo)to feel like (sth.) [idiom] [fancy]
algo {pron}something <sth.>
cometer una locurato do something stupid
Unverified ameritar algo [merecer algo] [mex.]to deserve something
reborujarse [mex.] [Zacatecas] [col.]to confuse oneself with something
Unverified sacarle al bulto [mex.] [col.]to avoid something dangerous
pero por algo {adv} [locución]but for something [idiom]
como Dios manda {adv} [locución]as something should be [idiom]
proverb. Quien tuvo, retuvo.Something stays with you to the grave.
algo fuera de lo normalsomething out of the ordinary
Unverified garigolear algo [adornar en exceso] [col.] [mex.]to decorate something excessively
ser de sesenta y pico años [locución]to be sixty-something [idiom]
cambiar de tercio [pasar a otra cosa]to move on to something else
Acércate, te quiero contar algo.Come close, I want to tell you something.
Había gato encerrado. [col.] [locución]There was something fishy going on. [coll.] [idiom]
Debo (de) haber pisado algo.I must have trodden in something. [esp. Br.]
dar una vaina [carib.] [col.] [locución]to come down with something [coll.] [idiom] [fall ill]
med. marearseto be / feel seasick
med. marearseto be / feel dizzy
sentirse biento feel well
tener sueñoto feel tired
a tientas {adv}by feel
turbarse [azorarse]to feel embarrassed
sentir algoto feel sth.
experimentar algoto feel sth. [experience]
med. Unverified sentir arcadasto feel sick [nauseous]
med. sentirse nauseabundoto feel sick [nauseated]
compungirse [sentir compasión]to feel compassion
encontrarse biento feel at ease
compungirse [sentir arrepentimiento]to feel remorse
como {conj}like
tacto {m} [cualidad]feel [quality perceived by touch]
Unverified estoy chungo {m} [esp.] [col.]I feel sick
compadecer a algnto feel sorry for sb.
zool. cerval {adj}deer-like
med. gripal {adj}flu-like
así {adv}like that
algodonoso {adj}cotton-like
tal como {adv}like
simiesco {adj}ape-like
sentirse a gusto [locución]to feel at ease [idiom]
buscar algo a tientasto feel for sth. [grope]
tener morriña (de algo)to feel homesick (for sth.)
Unverified Asín {adv} [así] [col.]like
Me agrada ...I like ...
tener un tacto sebosoto feel greasy (to the touch)
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