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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: to keep warm
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Dictionary Spanish English: to keep warm

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

VERB  to keep warm | kept warm | kept warm ... 
abrigar a algn [con ropa]to keep sb. warm [with clothes]
Partial Matches
templado {adj}warm
cálido {adj}warm
caliente {adj}warm
meteo. frente {m} cálidowarm front
arroparseto wrap up warm
calentar algoto warm sth. (up)
arq. hist. torreón {m}keep
velarto keep watch
callarseto keep quiet
¡Ánimo!Keep smiling!
mantener algoto keep sth.
guardar algoto keep sth.
dep. mantenerese en formato keep fit
llevar la cuenta [locución]to keep score
seguir conservando algoto keep sth. [retain]
seguir de largoto keep on going
seguir haciendo algoto keep on doing sth.
quedarse con algoto keep sth. [retain possession]
acompasar el paso [bailar]to keep in step [dancing]
¡Prohibido pisar el césped!Keep off the grass!
callar a-algn/algoto keep sb./sth. quiet
vigilar (a-algn/algo)to keep watch (on sb./sth.)
loc. cerrar el pico [col.]to keep one's trap shut [coll.]
aguzar la vista [locución]to keep one's eyes peeled [coll.] [idiom]
desvelar a-algn/algo [no dejar dormir]to keep sb./sth. awake
Era un día tan cálido que decidimos ir al mar.It was such a warm day that we decided to go to the beach.
mantenerse al día en algoto keep abreast of sth. [fig.] [stay informed, updated]
ser (como) una tumba [col.] [locución]to keep one's mouth shut [coll.] [idiom]
tener algo como los chorros del oro [col.]to keep sth. spick and span [coll.]
aguzar la vista en busca de algo [locución]to keep a sharp lookout for sth. [idiom]
proverb. El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña.You are the company you keep.
hacer un esfuerzo por mantener serio el semblanteto make an effort to keep a straight face [idiom]
pelar el ojo [fig.] [col.]to keep one's eyes peeled [fig.] [coll.]
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