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Spanish-English translation for: snow-white
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Dictionary Spanish English: snow white

Translation 1 - 50 of 106  >>

SYNO   snow-white | snowy
blanco como la nieve {adj}snow-white
lit. F Blancanieves {f}Snow White
Partial Matches
meteo. nevarto snow
meteo. nieve {f}snow
lit. F Nieve [Orhan Pamuk]Snow
nieve {f} polvopowder snow
alud {m} de nievesnow avalanche
cañón {m} de nievesnow cannon
automov. cadenas {f.pl} para la nievesnow chains
meteo. ventisquero {m} [nieve acumulada]snow drift
juguetes bola {f} de nievesnow globe
meteo. cota {f} de nievesnow line
lit. F Nieve de primavera [Yukio Mishima]Spring Snow
orn. T
orn. T
drogas periquito {m} [col.] [cocaína]snow [sl.] [cocaine]
zool. T
innivar algoto cover sth. with artificial snow
albar {adj}white
albo {adj} [literario] [blanco]white
blanco {adj}white
blanco {m} [color]white
blanco tiza {adj}chalky white
blanquísimo {adj}gleaming white
gastr. zool. clara {f} (de huevo)(egg) white
gastr. pan {m} blancowhite bread
gastr. chocolate {m} blancowhite chocolate
gastr. café {m} con lechewhite coffee
astron. fís. enana {f} blancawhite dwarf
gastr. harina {f} blancawhite flour
vidrio {m} blancowhite glass
anat. cana {f}white hair
hipis. caballo {m} blancowhite horse
pol. Casa {f} BlancaWhite House
mentira {f} piadosawhite lie
gastr. carne {f} blancawhite meat
quím. aceite {m} mineral blancowhite oil
bot. gastr. arroz {m} blancowhite rice
orn. lavandera {f} blanca / aguzanieves [Motacilla alba]white wagtail
enol. gastr. vino {m} blancowhite wine
orn. T
bot. gastr. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
blanquinegro {adj}black and white
blanquiazul {adj}white and blue
oficinista {m}white-collar worker
orn. pigargo {m} europeo [Haliaeetus albicilla]white-tailed eagle
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