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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: self-regard
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Dictionary Spanish English: self regard

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

SYNO   dignity | self-regard | self-respect ... 
amor {m} propioself-regard
Partial Matches
cotizar algoto regard sth.
estimar algoto regard sth.
honrar algoto regard sth.
valorar algoto regard sth. [value]
en relación con {prep}with regard to
a tal respecto {adv}in this / that regard
[uno] mismo {pron}self
autoadhesivo {adj}self-adhesive
seguro de mismo {adj}self-confident
autocrítico {adj}self-critical
autodestructivo {adj}self-destructive
interesado {adj} [oportunista]self-interested
ufano {adj} [satisfecho]self-satisfied
sedicente {adj}self-styled
voluntarioso {adj} [caprichoso]self-willed
automedicarseto self-medicate
ensimismamiento {m}self-absorption
autoafirmación {f}self-affirmation
autoconfianza {f}self-assurance
autoconfianza {f}self-confidence
autoconsumo {m}self-consumption
autodominio {m}self-control
autocrítica {f}self-criticism
econ. jur. autocontratación {f}self-dealing
autoengaño {m}self-delusion
autodestrucción {f}self-destruction
pol. autodeterminación {f}self-determination
autodisciplina {f}self-discipline
med. autocuración {f}self-healing
autoayuda {f}self-help
autosuperación {f}self-improvement
automedicación {f}self-medication
bot. autopolinización {f}self-pollination
arte autorretrato {m}self-portrait
biol. autoconservación {f}self-preservation
autoprotección {f}self-protection
autodepuración {f}self-purification
autorregulación {f}self-regulation
comerc. autoservicio {m}self-service
autoabastecimiento {m}self-sufficiency
autosuficiencia {f}self-sufficiency
egocéntrico {adj}self-centered [Am.]
egocéntrico {adj}self-centred [Br.]
cosm. crema {f} autobronceadoraself-tanning cream
armas semiautomático {adj}self-loading [esp. Br.]
suicidio {m}self-murder [obs.] [suicide]
gastr. harina {f} con levaduraself-raising flour [Br.]
autoinmolación {f}self-immolation [suicide by fire]
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