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Dictionary Spanish English: give

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

NOUN   give | -
VERB  to give | gave | given ... 
dar algo
to give sth.
2 Words: Others
Déme ... [formal]Give me ...
2 Words: Verbs
dar (un) consejoto give advice
dar a luzto give birth
edu. impartir clasesto give classes [teach]
jur. prestar declaraciónto give evidence
rendirseto give in [surrender]
desprender algoto give off sth. [emit]
acabarseto give out [coll.] [idiom] [become exhausted, depleted]
med. empachar a algn [provocar indigestión]to give sb. indigestion
delatar a-algn/algoto give sb./sth. away
cejarto give up [cease]
claudicarto give up [concede defeat]
rendirseto give up [surrender, relinquish]
3 Words: Verbs
parir (a-algn/algo)to give birth (to sb./sth.)
alumbrar a algo [también fig.] [parir]to give birth to sth. [also fig.]
emitir su opiniónto give one's opinion
dar prioridad a algoto give priority to sth.
acercar a algn [llevar en un coche etc.]to give sb. a lift [take in a car etc.]
Unverified darle un aventón a algn [darle una vuelta a algn] [mex.] [col.]to give sb. a ride
abroncar a algn [col.]to give sb. a rollocking [Br.] [coll.]
cosm. afeitar a algnto give sb. a shave
azotar a algnto give sb. a spanking
darle la mano a algn [locución]to give sb. one's hand [idiom]
dar a algn repelús [col.] [locución]to give sb. the creeps [coll.] [idiom]
darle (el) esquinazo a algn. [esp.] [col.] [locución] [esquivar]to give sb. the slip [coll.] [idiom]
dar un masaje a algn/algoto give sb./sth. a massage
dejar de hacer algoto give up doing sth.
ceder el paso a algnto give way to sb.
4 Words: Others
¡Pégame un tubazo! [¡Llámame!] [sur.] [Argentina] [col.]Give me a ring!
No te allanas nunca.You never give way. [never admit defeat in an argument]
4 Words: Verbs
echar una manoto give a helping hand
esbozar algo [insinuar un gesto]to give a hint of sth. [idiom]
atarear algnto give a job to sb. [assign a task]
dar una charla sobre algoto give a talk about sth. [lecture, presentation]
jur. interponer un recursoto give notice of appeal
llevar a algn a caballitoto give sb. a piggyback (ride) [coll.]
apapachar algn [dar un fuerte abrazo] [sur.] [Perú]to give sb. a tight embrace
dar la corriente a algnto give sb. an electric shock
ponerle los pelos de punta a algn [col.] [locución]to give sb. the screaming habdabs [sl.] [idiom] [terrify] [also: abdabs]
Unverified coger botella {f} [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]to give someone a lift
regalar algo [dar]to give sth. as a present
5+ Words: Others
!Ve dándoselo a él!Go (and) give it to him!
Me importa un higo. [col.]I couldn't give a toss. [coll.]
Unverified ¡ahi se va! [no me importa] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a damn!
Unverified me vale verga [me importa un bledo] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a fuck [vulg.] [sl.]
A mí, plín. [vulg.] [carib.]I don't give a shit. [vulg.]
Démosles un poco de chocolate.Let's give them a bit of chocolate.
5+ Words: Verbs
hacerse una paja [vulg.] [locución]to give oneself one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [male masturbation]
cantarle las cuarenta a algn [col.] [locución]to give sb. a piece of one's mind [coll.] [idiom]
dar a algn vía libre para hacer algo [locución]to give sb. the all clear to do sth. [idiom]
Unverified darle a alguien el beneficio de la duda [locución]to give someone the benefit of the doubt [idiom]
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