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Spanish-English translation for: don't
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Dictionary Spanish English: don't

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NOUN   don't | don'ts
¡No te molestes!Don't bother!
¡No corras!Don't run!
¡No fumes!Don't smoke!
¡No camines!Don't walk!
¡No te preocupes!Don't worry!
¡Tranquilopa! [Paraguay] [col.]Don't worry! [Am.] [coll.]
3 Words: Others
¡No tengas miedo!Don't be afraid!
¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]Don't bother me!
¡No me jodas! [col.] [vulg.]Don't bother me!
¡No me rayes! [esp.] [col.]Don't bug me! [Am.] [coll.]
¡No lo hagas!Don't do it!
¡Me resbala! [No me importa] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]I don't care!
No me importa.I don't care.
(Yo) no sé.I don't know.
No comprendo.I don't understand.
No entiendo.I don't understand.
(Nosotros) no estamos de acuerdo.We don't agree.
¡No me digas!You don't say!
4 Words: Others
¡No te hagas pato! [col.] [México] [pey.]Don't be a dick! [vulg.] [pej.]
loc. ¡A que no lo haces!I bet you don't!
No lo creo.I don't think so.
Pienso que no.I don't think so.
No lo entiendo.I don't understand it.
Sigo sin entender.I still don't understand.
No hablo español.l don't speak Spanish.
5+ Words: Others
!No seas miedica! [esp.] [col.]Don't be a scaredy-cat! [coll.]
proverb. Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.Don't fall asleep at the wheel.
proverb. Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos.Don't judge others, and God will not judge you.
Unverified nadie sabe lo que tiene, hasta que lo pierde [mex.] [Puebla]don't know what you got til it's gone
proverb. A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente.Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
A caballo regalado, no se le mira el diente.Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
proverb. No hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua. [col.] [locución]Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. [coll.] [idiom]
proverb. No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
¡Cuidadito con alzarme la voz!Don't raise your voice to me!
!No le digas a ella ni media palabra! [locución]Don't say a word to her!
No habléis tan altodespertaréis a toda la calle. {pl. fam.}Don't talk so loudyou'll wake the whole street.
No toques nada que él te dé.Don't touch anything (that) he gives you.
proverb. Según el sapo la pedrada.Don't use a lot where a little will do.
No envidio a nadie.I don't envy other people.
Unverified ¡ahi se va! [no me importa] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a damn!
Unverified me vale verga [me importa un bledo] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a fuck [vulg.] [sl.]
A mí, plín. [vulg.] [carib.]I don't give a shit. [vulg.]
No tengo todo el día.I don't have all day.
No me sobra el tiempo.I don't have all that much time.
Tampoco me gusta él.I don't like him either.
A mi tampoco me gusta él.I don't like him either.
(Tú) tampoco me gustas. [fam.sing.]I don't like you either.
(Usted) tampoco me gusta. [formal, sing.]I don't like you either.
(Ustedes) tampoco me gustan. [formal, plu.]I don't like you either.
(Vosotros) tampoco me gustais. [fam.pl.] [esp.]I don't like you either.
No le veo la gracia.I don't think it's funny.
Perdona, pero no te / le / os comprendo.Sorry, I don't understand you.
proverb. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.What you don't know won't hurt you.
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