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Spanish-English translation for: about
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Dictionary Spanish English: about

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

SYNO   about | approximately | around ... 
sobre {prep}
de {prep}
aproximadamente {adv}about
acerca de {prep}about
en torno a {prep}about [around]
alrededor de {adv}about [surrounding]
2 Words: Others
al respecto {adv}about that [in that regard]
a punto de {adv}about to [poised to, on the point of]
como veinteabout twenty
preocupado poranxious about
soñado {adj}dreamed-about
2 Words: Verbs
discutir (algo)to argue (about sth.)
debatir sobre algoto argue about sth.
tratarse de algo/algnto be about sb./sth.
tener lugarto come about
quejarse (de algo)to complain (about sth.)
bailotear [pey.] [bailar mal]to dance about [without skill] [pej.]
especular acerca de algoto speculate about sth.
comentar algo a algnto tell sb. about sth.
preguntarse sobre algoto wonder about sth.
estar preocupado por algo/algnto worry about sb./sth.
3 Words: Others
una cuarentena de veces {adv}about forty times
unos diez días {adv}about ten days
al revés {adj} {adv}arse about face [Br.] [vulg.]
Se trata de ...It is about ... [It concerns ...]
3 Words: Verbs
algo chifla a algn [col.]sb. is nuts about sth. [coll.]
tener ilusión por algoto be enthusiastic about sth.
estar loquito por algn [col.] [locución]to be nuts about sb. [coll.] [idiom]
alegrarse de algoto be pleased about sth.
Unverified apasionarse por algo [entusiasmarse]to become enthusiastic about sth.
presumir de algo a algnto boast about sth. to sb.
mangonear a algn [col.]to boss sb. around / about [coll.] [idiom]
no estar de acuerdo con algn sobre algoto disagree with sb. about sth.
enterarse de algoto find out about sth.
protestar contra algoto protest about / against sth. [complain]
4 Words: Others
Me importa ...I am concerned about ...
Va siendo hora de que ... [+subj.]It's about time (that) ...
loc. mucho ruido y pocas nuecesmuch ado about nothing
4 Words: Verbs
disponerse a hacer algoto be about to do sth.
sorprenderse de algoto be surprised at / about sth.
dar una charla sobre algoto give a talk about sth. [lecture, presentation]
Unverified entender deto know (a lot) about
5+ Words: Others
a unos diez minutos a pie {adv}about a ten minute walk
como las tetas del toro {adj} [col.] [fig.]about as much good as a chocolate teapot [coll.] [fig.]
Siempre saca a relucir sus éxitos.He's always going on about how successful he is. [coll.]
Eso se me ha ido de la cabeza. [locución] [olvidar]I have forgotten all about that.
Me estremezco al pensar.I shudder to think about it.
Me chifla esa chica. [col.]I'm crazy about that girl. [coll.]
Veo el futuro con esperanza.I'm hopeful about the future.
(Ellos/Ellas) nunca están de acuerdo en política.They never agree about politics.
con poco de lo que hablar y mucho en lo que pensar {adv}with little to talk about and much to think about
5+ Words: Verbs
no ser nada del otro jueves [col.] [locución]to be nothing to write home about [coll.] [idiom]
no tener ni repajolera idea de algo [locución]to not have the faintest idea about sth. [idiom]
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