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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: The
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Dictionary Spanish English: The

Translation 1 - 50 of 710  >>


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el {m}
la {f}
mil. reclutamiento {m}(the) draft [Am.] [compulsory military servie]
med. plaga {f}(the) pox [plague] [archaic]
med. sífilis {f}(the) pox [syphilis] [dated]
pol. prof. eurodiputada {f}MEP [female] <Member of the European Parliament>
pol. prof. eurodiputado {m}MEP <Member of the European Parliament>
jur. la acusada {noun}the accused [female]
geogr. los Alpes {m.pl}the Alps
geogr. el Amazonas {m} [río, bosque pluvial]the Amazon [river, rainforest]
relig. la Asunción {f} de (la Virgen) Maríathe Assumption
jur. juez {m}the bench [fig.] [judge]
jur. magistratura {f}the bench [fig.] [office of judge]
med. síndrome {m} de decompresiónthe bends {pl} [decompression sickness]
geogr. bosque {m}the bush [rural, forest area]
cagadero {m} [vulg.]the can [sl.] [Am.] [coll.] [toilet]
med. gonorrea {f}the clap [vulg.]
profundidades {f.pl} [mar]the deep {sg} [sea]
relig. Diablo {m}the Devil
etno. los neerlandeses {m.pl}the Dutch {pl}
los ancianos {m.pl}the elderly [old people]
pasma {f} [esp.] [col.] [pey.] [policía]the filth [Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [police]
náut. la proa {f}the fore
servicio {m} de caballerosthe gents {sg} [coll.] [men's toilets]
geogr. el Himalaya {m}the Himalayas
internet Internet {m} {f}the internet [in America: Internet]
relig. Iglesia {f} presbiteriana de Escociathe Kirk [Presbyterian Church of Scotland]
servico {m} de señorasthe Ladies [coll.] [women's toilets]
poderosos {m.pl}the mighty
geogr. el Pacífico {m}the Pacific
pobres {m.pl}the poor
geogr. los Pirineos {m.pl}the Pyrenees
lo esencial {m}the quick [fig.] [most essential part]
anat. carne {f} vivathe quick [sensitive flesh]
los demás {m.pl}the remainder
Unverified chorrera {f} [diarrea] [col.]the runs [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
geogr. bajío {m}the shallows [area of water that is not deep]
geogr. bajos {m.pl}the shallows [area of water that is not deep]
geogr. el Támesis {m}the Thames
geogr. los trópicos {m.pl}the tropics
geogr. el Vaticano {m}the Vatican
2 Words: Others
[que perdió / perdieron a un ser querido]the bereaved [also plural]
el mejor {adj}the best
cuanto más {adv} [locución]the more [idiom]
el mismo {pron}the same
lo mismo {pron}the same
el peor {adj}the worst
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Gambia {f}The Gambia
admin. la Generalitat {f}The Generalitat [The Government of Catalonia]
geogr. La Haya {f}The Hague
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