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Spanish-English translation for: Good afternoon
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Dictionary Spanish English: Good afternoon

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

SYNO   afternoon | good afternoon
¡Buenas tardes!Good afternoon!
Partial Matches
tarde {f}afternoon
siesta {f}(afternoon) nap
gastr. merienda {f}(afternoon) snack
turno {m} de tardeafternoon session
vespertino {adj}late-afternoon [attr.]
por la tarde {adv}in the afternoon
ayer por la tarde {adv}yesterday afternoon / evening
gastr. merendarto have an afternoon snack
bien {adj}good
bueno {adj}good
Unverified chicho {m} {adj}good
¡Adiós!Good bye!
¡Buenas tardes!Good evening!
¡Caramba!Good grief!
¡Buena suerte!Good luck!
¡Suerte!Good luck!
¡Buenos días!Good morning!
agraciado {adj} [bien parecido]good-looking
guapo {adj} [esp.]good-looking
bonachón {adj} [col.] [amable]good-natured
bondadoso {adj}good-natured
bondadosamente {adv}good-naturedly
Unverified chupi {adj} [esp.] [col.]very good
Unverified pitri mitri [muy bueno] [col.] [Perú]very good
gastr. champán {m} del buenogood champagne
relig. Viernes {m} SantoGood Friday
buena voluntad {f}good will
¡Buenas noches!Good night! <Gn8>
consumir preferentemente antes de ...good until ... [food]
Unverified al pedo [col.] [mex.]in good condition
con tiempo {adv}in good time
lucir [aparentar]to look good / impressive
inútil {m}good-for-nothing
para siempre {adv}for good [for ever]
¡Buen viaje!(Have a) good trip!
Bicho malo nunca muere.The good die young.
ser de buena pasta [locución]to be a good guy
gastar salud [fig.]to be in good health
disfrutarto have a good time
divertirseto have a good time
Unverified pasarlo chacho [pasarlo bien] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to have a good time
geogr. Cabo {m} de Buena EsperanzaCape of Good Hope
gato {m} [carib.] [col.]very good looking guy
encajar biento be a good fit [fig.]
saber algo de buena fuenteto have sth. on good authority
Buenos días tenga (usted).Good day to you, sir.
Lo bueno es que ...The good thing is that ...
Menos mal que ...It's a good thing (that) ...
bala {f} perdida [col.] [pey.] [tarambana]good-for-nothing [coll.] [pej.] [useless person]
no dársele nada bien mentirto be no good at all at lying
traerse algo entre manos [col.] [locución]to be up to no good [coll.] [idiom]
mequetrefe {f} [pey.]good-for-nothing [coll.] [pej.] [useless female person]
ablandabrevas {m} [col.] [pey.]good-for-nothing [coll.] [pej.] [useless male person]
mequetrefe {m} [pey.]good-for-nothing [coll.] [pej.] [useless male person]
lindo {adj} [am.]good-looking [when used of men can suggest gay]
proverb. El infierno está empedrado de buenos propósitos.The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
como las tetas del toro {adj} [col.] [fig.]about as much good as a chocolate teapot [coll.] [fig.]
proverb. Non hay libro tan malo, que no tenga algo bueno.There is no book so bad, that it does not have anything good.
Es una buena idea estar de acuerdo con el jefe la mayor parte del tiempo.It's a good idea to agree with the boss most of the time.
proverb. Lo mejor es enemigo de lo bueno.The best is the enemy of the good.
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