| Translation 1 - 50 of 835 >> |
| Spanish | English | |
| Acércate, te quiero contar algo. | Come close, I want to tell you something. | |
Partial Matches |
| ¿Qué quieres decir? | What do you want to say? | |
| proverb. Quien tuvo, retuvo. | Something stays with you to the grave. | |
| proverb. Botellita de Jerez, todo lo que me digas será al revés. | I'm rubber and you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you. | |
| Díselo tú, porque a mí no me escucha. | You tell him because he isn't listening to me. | |
| Casi no lo cuento. [col.] [locución] | I nearly didn't live to tell the tale. [coll.] [idiom] | |
| Estoy deseando veros. | I am looking forward to seeing you. | |
| ¿Qué desea (usted)? | What do you want? | |
| (Yo) lo quiero. | I want it. | |
| dar una vaina [carib.] [col.] [locución] | to come down with something [coll.] [idiom] [fall ill] | |
| También quiero algo de café. | I also want some coffee. | |
| proverb. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. | Show me who you're with and I'll show you who you are. | |
| Debo (de) haber pisado algo. | I must have trodden in something. [esp. Br.] | |
| estar arrecho [col.] [sur.] | to want to have sex | |
| no querer ser visto | to not want to be seen | |
| cambiar de tercio [pasar a otra cosa] | to move on to something else | |
| (Yo) vengo de ... | I come from ... | |
| Tengo grandes deseos de que vengan. | I really hope they come. | |
| ¡Te amo! | I love you! | |
| Te estraño. | I miss you. | |
| Estoy de acuerdo contigo. | I agree with you. | |
| Yo ya te conozco. | I already know you. | |
| Te echo mucho de menos. | I really miss you. | |
| loc. ¡A que no lo haces! | I bet you don't! | |
| Te veo mañana. [Te veré mañana.] | I'll see you tomorrow. | |
| Le veré mañana. | I will see you tomorrow. | |
| ¿Entiendes? | Do you know what I mean? | |
| loc. Casi pienso que (tú) tienes razón. [fam.sing.] | I almost think you are right. | |
| Casi pienso que (ustedes) tienen razón. | I almost think you're right. | |
| (Tú) tampoco me gustas. [fam.sing.] | I don't like you either. | |
| (Usted) tampoco me gusta. [formal, sing.] | I don't like you either. | |
| (Ustedes) tampoco me gustan. [formal, plu.] | I don't like you either. | |
| (Vosotros) tampoco me gustais. [fam.pl.] [esp.] | I don't like you either. | |
| Perdona, pero no te / le / os comprendo. | Sorry, I don't understand you. | |
| ¿En qué le puedo ayudar? | What can I do for you? | |
| ¿En qué puedo ayudarle? | What can I do for you? | |
| ¿Qué desea (usted)? | What can I do for you? | |
| Casi pienso que teneis razón. {noun} [esp.] | I almost think you're right. | |
| Soy casi tan listo como usted. [formal, sing.] | I'm nearly as clever as you. | |
| Soy casi tan listo como ustedes. | I'm nearly as clever as you. | |
| Soy casi tan listo como vosotros. [esp.] | I'm nearly as clever as you. | |
| Unverified !Espera a que te coja! | Wait until I get hold of you! | |
| salir a la palestra [col.] | to come to light [idiom] | |
| loc. estar que arde | to come to a head | |
| finalizar | to come to an end | |
| cobrar vida | to come to life [become animate] | |
| acudir en ayuda de algn | to come to sb.'s aid | |
| ¿Cuánto es? | What does that come to? | |
| Ya sé que lo dijiste en un momento de exaltación. | I realize you said it in the heat of the moment. | |
| entrar en razón [col.] [locución] | to come to one's senses [coll.] [idiom] [listen to reason] | |
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