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Dictionary Spanish English: Back

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

ADJ   back | - | -
NOUN   a back | backs
VERB  to back | backed | backed ... 
de regreso {adv}back [from somewhere]
respaldar a-algn/algoto back sb./sth. [support, endorse]
anat. espalda {f}
dorso {m}back
respaldo {m} [de asiento]back [of a seat]
lomo {m} [espalda de un animal]back [of an animal]
reverso {m}back [reverse side]
2 Words: Others
a la sazón {adv}back then
en aquel entonces {adv}back then
en aquel tiempo {adv}back then
en aquella época {adv}back then
en ese entonces {adj}back then
por aquel entonces {adv}back then
campante {adj} [col.]laid-back [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
retirarseto back down [retreat]
hacer copias de respaldoto back up [data]
descambiar algo [deshacer un cambio]to change sth. back
regresar [al punto de partida]to come back
volverto come back
regresar [a un lugar]to go back
volverto go back
retrocederto go back [retreat]
descorrerse [cerrojo]to slide (back) [bolt of door]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. lomo {m} de tocinoback bacon
contracubierta {f} [libro: parte trasera]back cover [of a book]
trastienda {f}back room [of a shop]
automov. asiento {m} traseroback seat
anat. muela {f}back tooth
dep. zaguero {m}full-back [soccer]
3 Words: Others
de un lado a otro {adv}back and forth [idiom]
al revés {adv}back to front
a mis espaldas {adv}behind my back
3 Words: Verbs
loc. partirse el espinazoto break one's back
remontarse a algo [de tiempo atrás]to date back to sth.
4 Words: Others
a espaldas de algn {adv}behind (the back of) sb.
4 Words: Verbs
descorrer las cortinasto draw (back) the curtains
ir de aquí para allá [locución]to go back and forth [idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
anat. dorso {m} de la manoback of the hand
anat. corva {f}back of the knee
anat. cogote {m}back of the neck
anat. cerviz {f}back of the neck [Nucha]
anat. zona {f} lumbarsmall of the back
5+ Words: Others
loc. en el quinto coño [vulg.]at the back of beyond [vulg.]
5+ Words: Verbs
estar hasta el moño [col.] [locución]to be fed up (to the back teeth) [coll.] [idiom]
ser la gota que colmó el vaso [locución]to be the straw that broke the camel's back [idiom]
volver a las andadas [locución]to go back to one's old ways [idiom]
desandar lo andado [col.] [locución]to go back to square one [coll.] [idiom]
empinar el codo [col.] [locución] [beber alcohol]to knock back a few drinks [coll.] [idiom]
conocer algo al dedillo [col.] [locución]to know sth. like the back of one's hand [coll.] [idiom]
recostarse en un asientoto lean back in a seat
adosar algo a una paredto place sth. with its back against a wall
retrasar un reloj por una horato put a clock back an hour
5+ Words: Nouns
colleja {f} [golpe en la nuca]slap on the back of the neck
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Cuando éramos mayoresBack When We Were Grownups [Anne Tyler]
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