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Spanish-English translation for: ¡Al
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Dictionary Spanish English: ¡Al

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geogr. Albania {f} <.al>Albania
mineral. quím. aluminio {m} <Al>aluminium <Al> [Br.]
mineral. quím. aluminio {m} <Al>aluminum <Al> [Am.]
2 Words: Others
¡Al chile! [Costa Rica] [cent.] [col.]Really?
¡Al habla!Speaking. [on the phone]
gastr. al ajillo {adv}in garlic sauce
econ. fin. al año {adv}per annum <p.a.>
al azar {adv}haphazardly
al azar {adv}randomly
al azar {adv}at random
al completo {adv}in full
al contrarioto the contrary
al contrario {adv}the other way round [Br.]
al día {adv}per day
al fin {adv}finally
al fin {adv}at last
al final {adv}eventually
al final {adv}in the end
al fondo {adv}in the background
al fresco {adv} [col.]al fresco
al lado {prep}along [next to]
al llegar {adv}on arriving
al mediodía {adv}at midday
al menos {adv}at least
al parecer {adv}apparently
Unverified al pedo [col.] [mex.]in good condition
al pedo {adv} [col.] [vulg.] [rpl.]in vain
al poco {adv}soon
al polo {adj} [col.] [perú]very cold
al polo {adv} [col.] [sur.]very cold
al principio {adv}initially
al ralenti {adj} [motor]ticking over [Br.] [motor]
al respecto {adv}about that [in that regard]
al revés {adv}inside out [e.g. clothing]
al revés {adv}upside down
al revés {adj} {adv}arse about face [Br.] [vulg.]
al revés {adv}back to front
al revés {adv}the other way round [Br.]
al tiro {adv} [de inmediato] [chi.]immediately
al toque {adv} [col.] [Perú]right away
al toque {adv} [col.] [Perú]right now
al toque {adv} [col.] [sur.]immediately
Unverified al toquepala {adv} [en este momento] [col.] [sur.] [Perú]at the moment
al trote {adv}at a trot
al tuntún {adv} [col.]any old how [coll.]
mús. al unísono {adv}in unison
gastr. al vapor {adj}steamed
2 Words: Nouns
astron. unid. año {m} luz <al>light-year <ly> [also: light year]
3 Words: Others
al aire libre {adv}in the open air
al cabo de {prep}after
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