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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: [sur]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [sur]

Translation 1 - 50 of 174  >>

Spanish English
¡Guarda! [¡Cuidado!] [sur.] [Argentina] [col.]Look out!
Unverified ¡juemadre! [hijo de puta] [sur.] [Colombia] [col.]son of a bitch! [Am.] [pej.] [vulg.]
¡Ven! [sur.]Come on!
Unverified achacao {adj} [triste] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]In a funk [to be sad] [Am.] [sl.]
Unverified ampe [porfi] [sur.] [Bolivia] [col.]please
aurita {adv} [tambien: auringa] [ahora] [sur.] [Bolivia] [col.]now
bacán {adj} [col.] [sur.] [estupendo]cool [coll.] [awesome]
bacán {adj} [sur.]great
Unverified bolastraca {f} {adj} [Lufardo] [sur.]egghead [Am.] [sl.]
Unverified brasuca {f} {adj} [sur.] [Lufardo]brazilian
coimero {adj} [sur.] [col.]corrupt
coimero {adj} [sur.] [col.]easily bribed
gaucho {adj} [sur.]smart
Oe {adv} [pues] [sur.] [Perú]well
otario {adj} [sur.]gullible
p'ajla {adj} [calvo] [sur.] [Bolivia] [col.]baldy [Scot.] [coll.]
pe {conj} [pues] [col.] [Perú] [sur.]well
Unverified penca {adj} [sur.] [Chile] [col.]bland [boring] [Am.] [sl.]
ta [col.] [sur.] [Uruguay]okay
tojpi {adj} [loco] [sur.] [Bolivia] [col.]crackers [Br.] [coll.]
Unverified achunchar [avergonzar] [sur.] [Patagonia]to embarras
afanar [robar] [sur.] [Argentina] [col.]to pickpocket [coll.]
Unverified agretear [enojarse] [sur.] [Lufardo]to go crazy [to get mad] [sl.] [coll.]
Unverified alebrestarse [agitarse] [sur.] [Colombia]to be shaken
Unverified amarcar algo [levantar algo] [sur.] [Bolivia]to lift sth.
Unverified amarrarse [sur.] [Ecuador] [col.]to become sb's lover
Unverified apañar [acompañar] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to accompany
apapachar algn [dar un fuerte abrazo] [sur.] [Perú]to give sb. a tight embrace
bacilar [bailar] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to dance
Unverified barajarse [irse] [sur.] [Ecuador] [col.]to go
boliar [trabajar duro] [sur.] [Colombia]to work hard
cañar [beber] [sur.] [Bolivia] [col.]to guzzle [Am.] [coll.]
Unverified catetear [insistir] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to insist
chachar algo [entender] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to comprehend sth.
chumar [col.] [sur.]to drink
destemplarse [sur.] [irritarse]to get upset
florear [col.] [mentir] [sur.] [Perú]to lie
Unverified pololear [estar de novios] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to be boyfriend and girlfriend
rumbiar [también: rumbear] [sur.] [Colombia] [col.]to go party [Am.]
Unverified vacilar [salir a divertirse] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to have fun
Unverified vacilar [salir con alguien] [sur.] [Ecuador]to go on a date with sb.
Unverified vacilar [tener un romance corto] [sur.] [Perú] [col.]to have a fling
mozo {m} [sur.] [col.]
cuero {m} [col.] [sur.] [Perú]
hunk [coll.] [very attractive man]
agr. bot. T
paila {f} [sur.]
aguafiestas {noun} [sur.] [Colombia] [col.]bore [person]
med. prof. ambulanciero {m} [sur.]ambulance man
aro {m} [sur.]earring
atorranta {f} [sur.] [vagabunda]tramp [female] [Br.] [vagabond]
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