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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: [sin]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [sin]

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

Spanish English
definitivamente {adv} [sin duda]
bot. silvestre {adj} [criado sin cultivo]
wild [flower etc.]
agraz {adj} [sin madurar]unripe
constr. basto {adj} [sin pulir]rough [surface: unfinished]
continuamente {adv} [sin interrupción]continuously
decididamente {adv} [sin duda]decidedly
Unverified deschambado {m} {adj} [sin empleo] [cent.] [Honduras]unemployed
descubierto {adj} [sin cubrir]bare [uncovered]
desganado {adj} [sin entusiasmo]apathetic
desierto {adj} [lugar sin gente]deserted
despacio {adv} [sin prisa]leisurely [slowly]
escueto {adj} [sin adornos]plain [simple]
exánime {adj} [sin vida]inanimate [dead]
indiferente {adj} [sin importancia]unimportant
indignamente {adv} [sin merecimiento]unworthily
inédito {adj} [sin publicar]unpublished
íntegro {adj} [sin abreviar]unabridged
lampiño {adj} [sin pelo]depilous [rare]
lampiño {adj} [sin pelo]glabrous [rare]
limpio {m} {adj} [también: limpia {f}] [sin dinero] [cent.] [Panamá] [col.]nickleless [broke] [Am.] [sl.]
llano {adj} [sin desniveles]even [level]
llano {adj} [sin desniveles]level
rebuscado {adj} [sin naturalidad]affected [manner]
reposadamente {adv} [sin prisa]calmly [without haste]
zool. salvaje {adj} [sin domesticar]undomesticated
tirado {adj} [sin ayuda, abandonado]stranded
único {adj} [sin precedentes]unparalleled
derramar algo [sin querer]
to spill sth.
orn. aletear [sin volar]to flap [without flying]
colarse [col.] [introducirse sin permiso]to gatecrash [coll.]
corretear [correr sin dirección fija]to run around
velar [estar sin dormir]to stay awake
[sin posibilidad de elección; sin alternativa] {noun}Hobson's choice [idiom]
indum. capa {f} [abrigo sin mangas]cape
ligereza {f} [sin reflexionar]flippancy
ligereza {f} [sin reflexionar]glibness
simpa {m} [col.] [esp.] [marcharse de un local sin pagar]doing a runner [Br.] [coll.] [avoiding payment of a bill in a restaurant]
gastr. taza {f} [alta y sin platillo]mug
2 Words: Verbs
jur. entrar en algo [sin autorización]to trespass on sth.
Unverified estar aguja [estar sin dinero] [sur.] [Perú] [col.]to be broke
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. harina {f} blanca [sin levadura]plain flour
3 Words: Others
como si nada {adv} [sin darle importancia] [locución]as if it were nothing [idiom]
3 Words: Verbs
Unverified estar alguien bruja [mex.] [col.] [quedarse sin dinero]to be broke [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
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