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Dictionary Spanish English: [i e]

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pacífico {adj} [p.e. manifestación]peaceful [e.g. demonstration]
primaveral {adj} [p.e. temperatura]springlike [e.g. temperature]
gruñir [p.e. perro]to growl [e.g. dog]
gruñir [p.e. cerdo]to grunt [e.g. pig]
infundir algo [p.e. sospechas]to arouse sth. [e.g. suspicions]
partir (con) rumbo a [p. e. Londres]to set off for [e.g. London]
Unverified prestación {f} especial [p. e.: en un coche]special feature [e.g.: in a car]
aliment. bioquím. farm. natamicina {f} [C33H47NO13] [E-235]natamycin
capa {f}ply [layer: e.g. paper]
chapa {f}ply [layer: e.g. wood]
temeridad {f} [acción arriesgada e imprudente]recklessness
cigarillo {m} electrónicovape [coll.] [e-cigarette]
indum. arremangado {adj} {past-p}rolled up [e.g. sleeves]
empañado {adj}steamed-up [e.g. glass]
monísimo {adj} [col.]adorable [e.g. house, hat]
abusivo {adj} [precio]extortionate [coll.] [e.g. price]
confesar algoto admit sth. [e.g. guilt]
recortar algoto crop sth. [e.g. photo]
hidro. dragar algoto dredge sth. [e.g. riverbed]
gastr. mezclar algoto toss sth. [e.g. salad]
coleccionismo {m}collecting [e.g. as a hobby]
gastr. migaja {f} [trocito]crumb [e.g. of bread]
admin. fin. recortes {m.pl} [presupuestarios]cuts [e.g. to a budget]
acurrucado {adj}curled up [e.g. in bed]
al revés {adv}inside out [e.g. clothing]
del revés {adv}inside out [e.g. clothing]
aliment. quím. anhídrido {m} carbónicocarbon dioxide [CO2] [E-290]
aliment. bioquím. ácido {m} carmínico [C22H20O13] [E-120]carminic acid
dep. entrada {f}match ticket [e.g. football / soccer]
aliment. quím. ácido {m} montánico [C28H56O2] [E-912]montanic acid
aliment. quím. acetato {m} de sodiosodium acetate [E-262]
aliment. quím. ácido {m} sórbico [C6H8O2] [E-200]sorbic acid
falsificar algoto forge sth. [e.g. check, document]
desempeñar algoto redeem sth. [e.g. pawned items]
decapar algo [remover]to strip sth. [e.g. wallpaper]
fumar cigarillo electrónicoto vape [coll.] [use e-cigarette]
funda {f}cover [e.g. for birdcage, book etc.]
apagar algoto turn sth. off [e.g. light]
parar algoto turn sth. off [e.g. motor]
ecol. saneamiento {m}cleaning up [e.g. contaminated site, river]
aliment. quím. galato {m} de dodecilo [C19H30O5] [E-312]dodecyl gallate
aliment. quím. bromato {m} de potasio [KBrO3] [E-924]potassium bromate
aliment. quím. cloruro {m} de potasio [KCl] [E-508]potassium chloride
aliment. quím. sorbato {m} de potasio [C6H7KO2] [E-202]potassium sorbate
aliment. quím. adipato {m} de sodio [C6H8Na2O4] [E-356]sodium adipate
aliment. quím. benzoato {m} sódico [C7H5NaO2, C6H5COONa] [E-211]sodium benzoate
agr. aliment. lácteo {adj}dairy [attr.] [e.g. cattle, farmer, product, van]
retumbar [causar estruendo]to boom [e.g. loud music etc.]
destruir algoto devastate sth. [destroy] [e.g. the crop]
pegar [armonizar]to match [to go well together, e.g. colours]
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