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Spanish-English translation for: [The]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [The]

Translation 1 - 50 of 193  >>

proverb. Vale más el collar que el perro.[We spent more on the collar than on the dog.]
a medida que {conj}as [at the same time that]
atmosférico {adj}atmospheric [relating to the air]
anat. auricular {adj}aural [of the ear]
anat. med. auricular {adj} [del oído, corazón]auricular [of the ear, heart]
alojado {adj} {past-p} [una bala]buried [of a bullet, lodged in the body]
centralmente {adv} [posición]centrally [in the center]
pol. alternativo {adj} [radical]fringe [attr.] [fig.] [on the political margins]
llorón {adj}grizzly [Br.] [coll.] [child: crying all the time]
anat. lingual {adj}lingual [of the tongue]
intelectual {adj} [de la inteligencia]mental [of the mind, intellectual]
setentero {adj} [col.]seventies [coll.] [of fashion etc.: from the 1970s]
¡Al habla!Speaking. [on the phone]
tal {adj} [igual o semejante]such [the same or similar]
to knock [at the door]
voltear [girar la cabeza] [am.]
to turn [face the opposite direction]
amarrar los perros con longanizas [col.] [fig.] [sur.][to be very naive and give away opportunities to the enemies]
tener la sartén por el mango [col.] [locución][to have the command or advantage in a situation]
concernir a algnto concern sb. [be the business / responsibility of]
atañer a algnto concern sb. [have to do with, be the business of]
mil. desertar [abandonar puesto]to desert [from the military]
destruir algoto devastate sth. [destroy] [e.g. the crop]
sobar [col.] [esp.]to doss [Br.] [coll.] [sleep, spend the night]
quedar a-algn/algo [tamaño]to fit sb./sth. [be the right size]
flamearto flap [in the wind]
ponerse coloradoto flush [get red in the face]
apretar el botónto flush [press the button on a toilet]
tirar la cadenato flush [pull the chain on a toilet]
sostener algo [en las manos, las brazos]to hold sth. [in the hands, arms]
baile bailar el jiveto jive [dance the jive]
caer en la cuenta de algo [col.]to realise sth. [Br.] [come to the realisation that]
repudiar algoto repudiate sth. [deny the validity of]
llamar (a algn)to ring (sb.) [Br.] [on the phone]
hacer salir a algn bruscamente [p. ej. de la cama]to roust sb. [Am.] [e.g. from the bed]
zool. rumiarto ruminate [chew the cud]
bordear algo [ir por el borde de algo / estar en el borde de algo]to skirt sth. [go / be along the edge of]
soportar a-algn/algoto support sb./sth. [tolerate, bear the weight of]
sostener algoto support sth. [hold up, take the weight of]
influenciar a-algn/algoto sway sb./sth. [influence the beliefs or opinions of]
gastr. ictiol. T
trucha {f}
Unverified coronabebé {m}[a baby born during the corona pandemic]
continuista {f}[female person maintaining the status quo]
continuista {m}[male person maintaining the status quo]
meteo. cierzo {m} [esp.][north wind, particularly blowing in the Ebro valley]
Gringolandia {noun} [mex.] [col.] [pey.][pejorative Mexican term for the United States of America]
hist. El Bienio Reformista {m}[The first two years of the Second Spanish Republic, when major political reforms were carried out, 1931-33]
hist. pol. Transición {f} [esp.][transition to democracy in Spain after the Franco reign]
Unverified Coronaboda {f}[wedding celebrated during the covid pandemic]
ling. llana {f}[word stressed on the penultimate syllable]
ling. esdrújula {f}[word stressed on the third-to-last syllable]
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