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Spanish-English translation for: [SL]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [SL]

Translation 1 - 50 of 222  >>

Unverified ¡Aro! [¡claro!] [esp.] [col.] [Málaga]Aight! [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
jabato {adj} [esp.] [col.] [valiente]ballsy [sl.] [courageous]
Unverified penca {adj} [sur.] [Chile] [col.]bland [boring] [Am.] [sl.]
Unverified culera {f} {adj} [mex.] [vulg.] [col.]chicken [Am.] [sl.]
Unverified chiflis {m} {adj}cuckoo [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
Unverified bolastraca {f} {adj} [Lufardo] [sur.]egghead [Am.] [sl.]
llamativo {adj}flash [sl.] [showy]
apestoso {adj}funky [Am.] [sl.] [bad smelling]
en la onda {adj} [col.] [a la moda]funky [sl.] [stylish]
gigantesco {adj}ginormous [sl.]
Unverified encachimbado {m} {adj} [enojado] [Honduras] [cent.]lunatic [Am.] [sl.]
repulsivo {adj}minging [Br.] [sl.]
limpio {m} {adj} [también: limpia {f}] [sin dinero] [cent.] [Panamá] [col.]nickleless [broke] [Am.] [sl.]
malísimo {adj}pants [Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [inferior]
nimio {adj}piddly [fig.] [sl.] [small, trifling]
mariposón {adj} [col.] [pey.]poofy [Br.] [sl.] [pej.]
Unverified chorreado {m} {adj}raunchy [dirty] [sl.] [coll.]
¡Blablablá! [col.] [locución] [también: ¡Bla-bla-bla!]Rhubarb! [dated] [sl.] [idiom]
maldito {adj}ruddy [Br.] [sl.] [damned]
¡Ayala vida! [cent.] [Panamá] [col.]Shit! [vulg.] [sl.]
cojonudo {adj} [esp.] [col.]stonking [Br.] [sl.] [amazing, astounding]
muy {adv}stonking [Br.] [sl.] [very]
Unverified ¡Qué milanesas que no bisteces! [¿qué tal estás?] [mex.] [Distrito Federal] [col.]Sup? [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
alegre {adj} [achispado]tiddly [Br.] [sl.] [slightly drunk]
psico. volátil {adj}unhinged [sl.] [mentally unstable]
muy bolo {adj} [borracho] [Guatemala] [col.]wasted [esp. Am.] [sl.] [very drunk]
Unverified colgar los tenis [morirse] [cent.] [El Salvador] [col.]to croak [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
Unverified jamear [comer] [Ec.] [Pe.]to devour [coll.] [sl.]
tangar a algn [esp.] [col.]to diddle sb. [sl.]
haraganearto doss [Br.] [sl.] [lounge or laze around]
catear algo [esp.] [col.]to flunk sth. [Am.] [sl.]
tender una trampa a algnto frame sb. [sl.] [incriminate]
bailarto hoof [Am.] [sl.] [dance]
Unverified clavar [joder] [col.] [Arg.] [Co.] [Mex.] [Pe.] [Pr.]to hump [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
Unverified agandallar [robar] [mex.] [col.]to loot [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
Unverified chulear [robar] [Cr.] [Ven.] [col.]to loot [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
tangar a algn [col.]to nobble sb. [sl.] [cheat]
drogar algoto nobble sth. [Br.] [sl.] [e.g. horse with drugs before a race]
echar la pota [esp.] [col.]to puke [sl.]
singar [joder] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]to screw [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
Unverified janguear [joder] [esp.] [col.]to screw sb. [Am.] [coll.] [vulg.] [sl.]
Unverified dormir a pierna sueltato snooze [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
bajar algo [robar] [cent.] [El Salvador] [col.]to stiff sth. [Am.] [sl.]
Unverified refinar [comer] [Mex.] [Pa.]to swallow [sl.] [coll.]
pegar un patadón a algoto wellie sth. [Br.] [sl.] [kick hard]
pegar un patadón a algoto welly sth. [Br.] [sl.] [kick hard]
ñoño {m} [col.] [pey.]
geek [sl.] [pej.] [socially unskilled person]
cloaca {f} [pey.] [lugar inmundo]armpit [Am.] [sl.] [terrible place]
magistrado {m}beak [Br.] [sl.] [judge, magistrate]
papaya {f} [vagina] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]beaver [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
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