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Spanish-English translation for: [OR-6]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [OR 6]

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unid. [6,35 kg] {noun}stone <st> [Br.] [also pl.]
quím. ácido {m} telúrico [H6TeO6, Te(OH)6]telluric acid
mús. tintirintín {m}[echo or sound of trumpet, or other sharp-sounding instrument]
agr. orujo {m} [residuo de uvas o aceitunas]marc [grape or olive pomace or residue]
[echar alcohol or drogas en algo]to spike sth. [surreptitiously add alcohol or drugs]
acondicionar algo [climatizar]to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate]
entumecido {adj}numb [physically or psychologically]
hist. lit. pol. trama {f}plot [conspiracy or storyline]
imprimación {f}primer [paint or coat]
indum. vestimenta {f}raiment [archaic or literary]
cine cortometraje {m}short [movie or film]
noticias {f.pl}tidings [archaic or literary]
ramera {f}trollop [dated or hum.]
mat. fraccionario {adj}fractional [relating to fractions or parts]
de ahí {adv}therefrom [archaic or formal]
tres veces {adv}thrice [archaic or literary]
adónde {adv}whither {adv} [archaic or literary]
geogr. burgalés {m}[native or inhabitant of Burgos]
cagamandurrias {m}[person without personality or character]
dep. aeróbic {m}aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
ciencia relig. apologética {f}apologetics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
herram. fuelle {m}bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
mil. baja {f}casualty [dead or injured person]
aparato {m}contraption [often hum. or pej.]
trá. cruce {m}crossroads [treated as sg. or pl.]
extravagancia {f}flamboyance [showy or elaborate quality]
enemigo {m}foe [literary or formal] [enemy]
espantojo {m}frump [dowdy or unfashionable person]
fís. Unverified cinemática {f}kinematics [treated as sg. or pl.]
asustado {adj}afeared [archaic or dialect] [also: afeard]
sedoso {adj}flossy [resembling or made of floss]
med. discapacitado {adj} {past-p}handicapped [dated] [mentally or physically disabled]
a él {pron}him [direct or indirect object]
irreclamable {adj}irredeemable [cannot be reclaimed or reformed]
libidinoso {adj}lubricious [Br.] [formal or literary: lewd]
egocéntrico {adj}masturbatory [fig.] [self-involved or unproductive]
mísero {adj}pitiful [coll.] [fig.] [small or inadequate]
de la comida {adj}prandial [formal or humorous]
hist. ling. púnico {adj}Punic [relating to Carthage or its language]
sin meta {adj}purposeless [lacking aim or ambition]
atemporal {adj}timeless [unaffected by time or fashion]
encogerse [retraerse]to cringe [from fear or shame]
geogr. burgalesa {f}[native or inhabitant of Burgos] [female]
med. vendaje {m}bandage [for a wound or injury]
horca {f} [ejecución]gallows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
pequeñez {f}puniness [smallness of size or quantity]
moza {f}wench [archaic or hum.] [young woman]
dep. bajas {f.pl}missing players [due to suspension or injury]
naciente {adj}aborning [esp. Am.] [being born or created]
sin rumbo fijo {adv}aimlessly [without destination or purpose]
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