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Spanish-English translation for: [¡No]
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Dictionary Spanish English: [¡No]

Translation 1 - 50 of 50


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algún {pron}
any {pron} [some, no matter which]
desaparecido {adj} [no localizable]
incierto {adj} [inconstante, no seguro]
jur. [jurado que no llega a un acuerdo]hung jury
civil {adj} [no militar]civilian
incalificable {adj} [que no se puede calificar]indescribable
indigno {adj} [que no es merecedor]undeserving
indigno {adj} [que no es merecedor]unworthy
informal {adj} [am.] [no oficial]unofficial [unlicensed]
insensible {adj} [lo que no siente o percibe]insentient [incapable of feeling or understanding]
irrelevante {adj}moot [of no practical significance]
omiso {adj}heedless [paying no attention]
sumiso {adj} [que no rechista]uncomplaining
jur. supuestamente {adv} [no probado]allegedly
edu. suspender (algo) [esp.] [no aprobar un examen]
to fail (sth.) [exam]
acosar a-algn/algo [no dar respiro]to hound sb./sth.
desatender a-algn/algo [no atender una obligación]to neglect sb./sth.
desvelar a-algn/algo [no dejar dormir]to keep sb./sth. awake
faltar [no estar]to be missing
Unverified janguear [no hacer nada] [rpl.] [Argentina]to laze around
perderse [no hallar el camino]to get lost
[término ofensivo para referirse a una persona que no sea blanca] {noun}wog [Br.] [pej.] [racist]
aficionado {m} [no profesional]amateur
anomalía {f} [desviación, no normal]anomaly
Unverified bocazas {noun} [esp.] [col.] [persona que no guarda discreción o prudencia al hablar]a person without discretion
civil {f} [no militar]civilian [female]
civil {m} [no militar]civilian
extraña {f} [persona a la que no se conoce]stranger [female]
edu. liceo {m} [am.] [solo para los no inteligentísimos]secondary school [Br.]
mamarracho {m} [col.] [persona]arsehole [vulg.] [person with no redeeming qualities]
Unverified nel {noun} [no] [col.] [mex.]no
sobriedad {f} [no embriaguez]soberness
2 Words: Others
¡Me resbala! [No me importa] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]I don't care!
Unverified ¡no mames! [¡cómo no! ] [col.] [mex.]no fucking way [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
no afectado {adj}unaffected [suffering no ill effects]
sin energía {adv}listlessly [with no energy]
sin propósito {adj}purposeless [having no point]
y punto {adv} [col.] [no se diga más]full stop [Br.] [coll.] [end of story]
2 Words: Verbs
andar aguja [col.] [locución] [no tener dinero] [Perú]to be skint [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [have no money]
Unverified hacerse wey [no hacer nada] [mex.] [col.]to laze around
3 Words: Others
Unverified ¡ahi se va! [no me importa] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a damn!
¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]Don't bother me!
cualquiera que sea {adj}whichever [no matter which]
de escasa utilidad {adj} [locución]unhelpful [of no use or assistance]
por un pelo [col.] [locución] [casi, pero no]close, but no cigar [idiom] [nearly, but not quite]
3 Words: Verbs
Unverified estar al pedo [no tener nada que hacer] [sur.] [Buenos Aires] [col.]to have nothing to do
Unverified importarle una raja [no le importa a algn.] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]not to matter to someone
5+ Words: Others
¡Si no lo veo, no lo creo!If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!
No apague el dispositivo; no abra ni cierre ninguna de las cubiertas.Do not turn off the device; do not open or close any covers.
proverb. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.What you don't know won't hurt you.
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